This summer we ventured to beautiful San Diego, California for the 2017 Bank Trainers Conference. You maybe wondering… “What those who want to attend this conference but are unable to get off and travel across country?”. That’s why we go! We live stream the whole conference for people who are unable to go to watch from their home or office!

Not only do we live stream for the week, we are put on double duty! While we are running around from room to room with our cameras, tripods and other equipment, we are also filming interactions between conference goers and events through the days and nights to create video that is seen during the last session! This “Same-Day Edit” (in this case, “Same-Week Edit“) video highlights the learning, fun excursions, and friendships that are made throughout the week! And then at the end of the video, a huge surprise for attendees! The big reveal of where the conference will be held next year!

It’s a lot of work, but a lot of fun! Check it the video and some behind the scene photos below!



